Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Warning Signs

In one of my many driving adventures, where I end up getting lost going someplace I have been many times before, I mistaking chose a questionable driveway to turn around.  A barbed wire fence surrounded either side of the driveway.  The fence was littered with multiple "warning" signs; "Beware of Dogs," "No Trespassing," "No Solicitors," and "Keep Out." My initial reaction was something along the lines of, "Oh poo! Get me out of here!"

Once I was safely back at home I started wondering what warning signs we should put on our house. I decided that because we don't have a fence surrounding our driveway I could just post all the warning signs on our garage door. I am sure the neighbors would appreciate that, but I am sure they already think we are crazy, so it really doesn't matter at this point.

The list I came up with was ridiculously long so I made my top 6:

This really should go without saying, but this sign is necessary for anyone who isn't familiar with the A Team. Coming into the house you are subject to all types of questions and comments.  You will become a plaything for them. You are their entertainment. Some of my favorite comments that have been made to some of our guests include; "When will you die?" and "Wanna play dead mermaids?" I swear they are perfectly sane children, they just have active imaginations...

We have dance parties on a regular basis.  Some days we only have one, but other days we have multiple parties.  Some dance parties last 30 seconds while others last up to an hour. Sometimes our dance parties get crazy and we include choreography and belting out Broadway Musical Tunes.  Last week an unsuspecting visitor quietly excused herself to the back deck while I joined the girls in singing songs from Shrek. I make a fantastic Fiona BTW! She stayed outside until the song was over and then begged A1 to go play at her house.


The girls love it when door-to-door sales people show up, fresh meat. They talk to them, tell them stories, and entertain them with singing and dancing. Most sales people just stand with their mouths opened in awe of the show they are witnessing. These poor sales people have no idea what is really happening on the other side of the door.  One time I was busy so the girls broke a rule and opened the door and brought a man selling cleaning products in to the living room.  He had trouble making eye contact and was quickly making his way back to the door once he saw I was hooked up to my pump. He never came back.

We have constant singing, dancing, and performing going on in our house. As soon as a guest sits in the living room the girls head off to rehearse. A1, of course, is the director and begins teaching songs and routines. A2 often "writes" her own songs and is excited to perform her songs with added interpretive dance moves. However; as soon as you accept the fact that you will be entertained by these two, the show will end.  Sometimes it ends because they forget the words or the moves. Other times it ends because A2 gets embarrassed if the audiences has a reaction that she deems inappropriate, such as laughing or smiling. Most of the time the show ends because the girls get into a fight.


Seriously people! These are sleeping hours for our 2 year old. Our 2 year old who needs sleep. Our 2 year old who is evil if she doesn't sleep. Most of the neighbor kids are trained and know better than to ring the doorbell during these times. Actually, most of the neighbor kids know better than to ring the doorbell, ever.

No matter what time you stop by there is a good chance you will find at least one of us in bad pajamas. Most of the time it is me wearing whatever ugly pajama pants I find that are clean, "matched" with any shirt. There is also a possibility that I will be wearing mismatched socks to finish off my attire. I hate bare feet and I am really only comfortable in my socks and shoes.  It is weird, I know. The girls will also most likely be wearing some type of unmatched sleepwear at any given time. Don't be afraid, just go with it.

My warning signs would be helpful to unsuspecting visitors, but then again, they would kind of take the fun out of shocking our innocent visitors.

You can make your own Warning Signs at www.warninglablegenerator.com, have fun!


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