Tuesday, July 21, 2015


4:23 AM
Stress writing is way better than stress eating, at least I am telling myself that... I am hoping by letting out my thoughts that kept me awake ALL NIGHT LONG, I will be able to sleep again, someday.

What is weighing on my mind? August.  No not really August, more like my "summer bucket list" and all the things I haven't done, still want to do, but mostly still have to do. I have done some of the quirky things the girls added like eat at Golden Corral and "sneak out" to eat ice deli after bedtime. I have done some of our typical summer activities; go to the Muni, cook outs with friends, swim, watch movies, read books, and stay up late. I have done some of the mundane list items; clean out closets and cabinets. Even with all the stuff I have done, I still have a ton of things to do. The ones that are really getting to me are the ones that I really don't want to do, but rather have to do; the things that should be done in order to have a less chaotic school year.

The biggest one right now is choosing a musical for spring. I know that spring is a long way away, but I need to work ahead. I am a planner and need to have things in order, especially when it is something that will consume so much of my time. There are so many aspects that go into directing a musical that I can not wait until the week before auditions to decide.

Most of my friends are tired of this indecision. The flip flopping that has been going on since the last show closed. I go through show after show trying to find the perfect one. I select one; the one, stick with it for a day or two then find something wrong with it, scrap it, and begin the searching process all over again.


But it isn't that easy. There are so many things that do into picking a show.

***Warning- Here comes the list!***    

1. Venue (wow, that sounds sophisticated!)- While it is great that we have a space to perform, pulling off a show in a gym-atorium has it's limits. The stage is small, so a show that needs a large amount of set pieces is out. Our show last year really pushed the limits of space and we didn't even have that many set pieces. Shows like Beauty and the Beast are out. We don't have a lot of bells and whistles. Lighting instruments are basic at best. Our sound system, while it has vastly improved over the last couple of years, it is also limited. We don't have a fly system, so shows like Peter Pan are out.

2. Talent- I have always been lucky enough to have a super talented group of students who make my job easy. When I think about talent I am thinking about the number of students, vocal ranges, gender, and abilities to fill specific roles. The one area we struggle with talent wise is dance; I would guess this is the same for most high schools though. Without a strong cast of dancers shows like Thoroughly Modern Millie are out.

3. Budget-  I am given just enough money to cover the cost of the rights for the show.  The rest of the money for sets, costumes, makeup, and props comes from fundraising. When I pick a show I need to consider shows with costumes that can be borrowed or purchased for under $500. The set needs to be basic and come in around $500 also. This makes a lot of shows difficult for us; especially shows with specific costume plots like Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast or shows that need period costumes, unless they are from the 1950's, I can always find tons of clothes from the 1950's. I have been very lucky and the local community theaters have been willing to lend us costumes for several of our shows.  

4. Show rating- I need to find family friendly shows. Shows that are edgy and cross the line are out. Shows that don't send a good wholesome message are out. Anything above PG is out. That eliminates Chicago, Legally Blonde, Grease, Rent, Spring Awakening, Rocky Horror, and Avenue Q; basically all the shows the students beg to do every year. 

5. Student involvement- I need to decide on a show that would encourage the most student involvement. I have to have a show with a large (30+ person) cast. Not only does the show need to have large cast in also needs to have a large orchestra. I found that out the hard way last year.  It never even occurred to me to think about the number of students the orchestra. Duh, it makes total sense, but I just didn't think about it. This takes out shows like Putnam County Spelling Bee, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Camp Rock. Yea, I said Camp Rock, it would be fun, I promise!

6. Time- I need to choose a show that we can accomplish in the amount of time we are given. Some years we have up to 12 weeks from the time we return from Christmas break until the show opens. This year we have 8. This means we don't have a lot of leeway when it comes to working the kinks out of a show. Throw in a couple snow days, which will happen, and we could be toast if I pick a show that might take longer to prepare. This eliminates Phantom of the Opera, Cats, and Les Miserables.

7. Students-  I need to pick a show the students will be interested in doing. If I pick a show they don't want to do from the beginning, I am in for a LONG process. Students will audition for the show even if they don't necessarily want to do the show, because they have that passion to perform, but if I pick something they don't like I am in for an uphill battle. Motivation will be difficult. This is hardest for me, because I have to consider all the other factors when I pick a show. The factors a 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18 year old wouldn't think about. Also I worry that I might be out of touch with what they would want to do. I know what adults want. I know what toddlers want, I mean as much as someone can know what a toddler wants.  I know what elementary kids want. Teenagers are just tricky. I haven't been one for awhile and things are different. I worry being able to pick something they would want to do. I am guessing Quilters would be out.
8. Me- I am putting a lot of my time, typically about 9 months, into a show. That is a lot of time. That is a lot of sacrifice. True, I am being paid to do this, but what I get paid and the amount of time I put in aren't equal. I need to pick a show that I will enjoy working on. I need a show that won't make me toddler cranky. I need a show that won't make me fall asleep by the time we actually take it to the stage. That kicks out Oklahoma, Sound of Mucus Music, and many, many more.

Even with all the shows that are out there, it is really hard to find one that meets all of these requirements. Somehow I am able to find one each year. And then the worrying decision process starts all over.

*8:56 PM

After writing this and clearing my mind, I didn't sleep, but I think I may have selected a show. Now I need to wait to hear back from the rest of my team to get their opinions. Fingers crossed I can cross this off my bucket list! I really think this one will meet all the requirements... At least until tomorrow. 


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