Friday, July 24, 2015

Summer Sobbing

This summer has been "The Summer of Tears." Everyday someone cries.  Some days everyone cries. We cry when we are happy. We cry when we are mad. We cry when our feelings get hurt. We cry when we don't get our way. We cry when we are tired. We cry when we are sad. We really should buy stock in Kleenex!

Tonight was no different. A2 cried in the middle of Seussical, because she missed her friend who went on vacation. Then she cried because I made her decide what snack she wanted. She also cried, because she was cold and then hot when the blanket was on her lap. Before sending her to bed, she cried because A1 got candy from her friend.

Before we left for the show A1 started tearing up when I let her know Annelise, a college friend,  wouldn't be able to make it to the show, since she was out of town. or so I thought...  A1 saved most of her tears for after the show. She ran into the audience searching for her favorite friend, substitute mom, and first babysitter. Tears filled her eyes when I told her J had to leave because she had to get up EARLY. Before A1 could have a full on temper tantrum, Annelise popped up. She returned home early because of an injury and was able to make it out to the show. A1 was caught off guard and happy tears filled her eyes.

While A1 and Annelise were getting pictures taken, A1's first love, Tanner, the guy she still swears she will one day marry even if he is 11 years older, photobombed the picture. The moment he said "Hi" to her she was in total shock. Happy fan-girl tears threatened to leave her eyes. She tried really hard to be cool while he was talking to her. She just kept smiling with tears in her eyes.  As soon as he walked away, she buried her head in my stomach and she sobbed.

The girls weren't the only ones to cry tonight; just watching A1 on stage gave me the sweaty eyeballs. After the show, I got another case of the sweaty eyeballs. Driving home I was overwhelmed by the number of people who came out to support A1. There were tons of people there who mean so much to us. Seeing them reminded me that we mean a lot to them too. It was an awesome night!

Now I better go to bed before I cry because I am too tired to sleep.

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