Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Sentimental Type

I have always been a "sentimental type."  I'm the mom who cries at all the dance recitals and shows. It doesn't even have to be an A Team member on the stage to get my eyeballs all sweaty. Sometimes it will be someone I know I stage, but not always.

Typically it is the youngsters that really make me choke up. Youngster = anyone under the age of 23. Tears flow just knowing they worked so hard; gave up time with other activities; stayed dedicated to the show for the long process. Tears flow from seeing these kids with so much talent and potential doing what they love. Tears flow while I am appreciating how brave and confident these people are. 

At times I think about the parents sitting in the audience who must be beaming with pride, watching their child fulfilling dreams. Even seeing their own hard work and dedication pay off, as their child shines on stage doing what he/she loves to do. 

Then I wonder if those parents are crying too, or if I'm the only sappy one in the audience, silently praying I don't let out an ugly-cry snort. 

After that my mind shifts to the A Team. How in the world will I maintain composure when they are on stage, whatever their stage may be? I'm going to be a mess from now until forever. We should invest in Kleenex stock and water proof mascara, if I wore mascara. Actually, I think I will start to wear mascara; people who wear mascara really seem to have their lives together. Maybe mascara will be the answer to many of my problems... 

Tonight I stayed at A1's rehearsal and I had another one of my sob sessions.  It started when A1 bounced on the stage. She was so happy up there. She was in her element. And she looked super cute with her long blond pony tail trotting on top of her head. Her cuteness actually brought me to tears. I am usually someone who gets irritated when people go on and on about how cute their own kids are, but I am telling you, she was adorable. And happy, it totally made all of her tears leading up to this point worth it. I continued to cry on and off the rest of the evening. I did my best to act like a normal adult when anyone stopped to talk to me, but my sunglasses were definitely hiding some eye dampness.

I hope my friends plan on coming to the show, but if you are thinking about sitting near me, I would recommend wearing a life jacket so you don't drown in my tears!

***After thought, I wonder where A1 gets her ability to cry over almost everything...

*** After, after thought, if you want more information on the show...

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