Thursday, July 2, 2015

War on Breakfast

I broke the news gently this morning; NO MORE SUGARY BREAKFAST CEREAL FOR THE A TEAM. At least until the end of July. We are giving this healthy lifestyle stuff a real shot. 

So far...

We started with increasing water. All of us have our own water bottles and we try to drain and refill a few times a day. Easy Peasy

Next we (I) make sure every meal has a fruit AND a vegitable. Since it is Summer, most of these have been fresh fruits and vegitables. This change should have been a no brainer, but we got into survival mode and I was accepting potato chips and fruit snacks as our vegitables and fruit. I was LAZY! 

On Monday, we started adding exercise. A2 and I are doing the Couch to 5K program. We even had A1 and a friend join us on our second day. A2 especially loves having an activity that we do together. I'm not a runner, by any means, but running with A2 has been good for me. When I start to get that little voice in my that says, " Stop running, you could be sitting on the deck reading." I yell encouragement to A2 drowning out all the negativity. 

This morning I made sugary breakfast cereals my enemy.  The goal is for us to go until the end of July without them. I was afraid the girls would revolt if I told them no more Fruity Tooties, EVER. If they revolt we fail. This one will be the hardest for me. I like easy and sugary cereal is easy. No one complains. A1 and A2 even get it for themselves. Easy. With this healthy lifestyle change, I have added more work for me, plus I imagine I will encounter a few AM battles. 

This morning I made open Beeakfast Burrito Bites. I really liked them, but the girls weren't huge fans. I may have lost today's battle, but the war isn't over yet! 

In case you are more brave and adventurous than the A Team...

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