Friday, October 30, 2015

Bedtime Arguments

Bedtime arguements, while frustrating, can be some of the most entertaining pieces of comedic gold. Last nights battle did not disappoint.

I intervened after 10 minutes of the girls giving each other a verbal beat down. I threatened to take away their Halloween party. They inquired about what party and I told them the party at the Hoogland.

This was the perfect distraction. A2 took the bait, but it true A2 fashion went in a completly different direction. With complete disgust almost gagging on her words she said, "What do you mean Hoogland? I thought it was Ho-Bo-land. I didn't know it was HooGland with a G. I hate Gs." Then her head hit the pillow. She was even quiet for 5 whole minutes while she let the earth shattering news sink in.  

I quickly left the room before any giggle, laugh, or snort escaped; only to have to return later upon hearing throat clearing and spiting. Yes, my sweet little ladies where engaging in a full on spit warfare. I was happy to inform them that spitting on people could get them arrested. A1 got quiet. A2 shot me her infamous "You are so dumb" looks. She wanted to know why in the world would someone go to jail for spit. I let her know that it isn't healthy to touch someones spit because spit is a way to spread germs and diseases. A smug smile was planted on her face as she reported, "I don't have any germs or diseases." Shuttering she added, "I don't kiss cats!"

Of course, everyone knows the only way to get a disease is to kiss a cat. Duh! I lost my composure. I laughed. I almost fell over from laughing. A1 laughed. A2 yelled and then started meowing at A1 because she has been seen kissing cats. A3 started crying. She needed more prayers. A3 was on to something. We could all use some more prayers. We reprayed. By the time we were done with prayers, round two, A2 was sound asleep. A1 was almost asleep. Prayers were answered. Mama had peace at least for a few hours until the Cat Kisser and the G Hater woke up.

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