Friday, July 8, 2016

Double Talking Evil Mastermind

My summer project with A3 is to change her language. Not change her language like an SLP, but change her language as in clean it up. Somewhere a long the way this tiny itty bit picked up quite the potty mouth. No one claims fault, but I feel like some of the older A Team members may have something to do with the evil words she spews.

She has gotten better about catching herself as she says these awful things. Just tonight she was coloring with A2. She told A2 the dog A2 was coloring looked like a "Butt hole." She caught my eye and quickly said, "Beautiful. I mean beautiful." Then she told A2 her shirt was beautiful and laughed. She said I was beautiful and laughed. She said her shoe was beautiful and laughed.  I know what she was calling us in her head!

Other times she will catch herself before. We have been really working on "Hate." At the beginning of June Hate was the big word. She hated everything. A3 got in trouble, "I hate you mom." A3 wouldn't get her way, "I hate you A1." A2 walked in the room, "A2 I hate you." She started getting vinegar for saying it. Now she says she loves everything. She gets in trouble. "I love you mom." A1 won't give her the phone, "I love you A1." A2 walks in the room, "I love you A2." I'm almost positive it isn't love she is feeling for us!

Tonight she looked at me and said, "Mom your legs are really fa-skinny. Skinny like, never mind." This kid baffles me. She is too smart for her own good. She always has me second guessing myself. Probably because she isn't saying what she means and she has me all confused. Her quick thinking and double talk has left my mind in a swirl. I really hope this isn't a sign that she is going to be an evil mastermind, but I kind of think it is. I had better remember to get her ice cream tomorrow to stay on her good side, but only if she tells me I am beautiful. Wait...

***Sometimes she says nice things and she means them. It is just really hard to know when she is being nice to be nice instead of being nice to be mean. You have to look into her eye to know.***

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