Monday, July 25, 2016

Passive Aggressive Gossip

The weird thing about being a quiet person is that it is easy to get lost in a crowd and completely over looked, especially when you are at a party of people who don't mind being the center of attention. It can be good and it can be bad. I can honestly say I learn a lot about people by being the quietest one in the room.  I sometimes learn a lot of things I don't want to know or hear. I recently heard something and I can't let it go, SO I must write.

Passive aggressive post in 3-2-1.

Last night I was standing NEXT to a couple of people while they talked about someone I obviously care about. It was a short conversation, but the words were full of such petty hate. It was shocking and, yet, not unexpected. I have sat behind her during shows and heard her trash talk this person when he was the director, as well as the actors she hugged and congratulated after the show. It isn't a secret she has a problem with this person, but to say what she said with me less than an arms length away. What the what?

There is a lesson in this. Friends, don't let friends talk about people in a crowd. Friends, don't let friends talk about people when their spouse is standing close enough to smell the alcohol on their breath. We have all been there. We have all done it. We have talked about people only to have them find out. It happens in all the terribly good after school specials: the mean girls are smoking in the bathroom talking about the new girl, only to have her pop out of the stall. It happens. Most of us learn our lesson when we are in Jr. High. BUT some do not, and that is why we have lifetime movies about it. Friends, don't let your friends become a Lifetime Movie.

Encourage your friend to talk about other people at a more appropriate location, perhaps somewhere the person you are wanting to talk about is not currently present at with his/her family. Encourage your friend to look around before they start to talk, just think of all the drama that could have been avoided if those girls in the bathroom did a feet check! Encourage your friend to write a passive aggressive blog post...

Passive aggressive blog post over. I feel better.

PS. I will not disclose the guilty party to anyone, not even my mom, so don't ask.
PPS. I am serious mom. :)

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