Thursday, July 28, 2016

Political Conversations

If you stop by our house anytime between now and November, there is a good chance you will have to discuss politics. For that, I am sorry. It seems the A Team has taken a bizarre interest in politics. All of them. Well, kind of. A3 mostly repeats what she hears the other two say, but she has been campaigning hard for Mermaid.

The interest started with a school project for A1 and it blossomed from there. A2, following in her sister's footsteps also got interested. A2 isn't quite as fanatical though. A1 is ride or die for her guy, while A2 is more interested in questioning and debating. Now, don't get me wrong, A1 is more than happy to debate, but she is just firm on her pick.

I have heard countless discussions on the candidates from the girls. They don't discriminate on age. They will bring up politics with anyone who can talk. A few weeks ago A1 had a friend over and of course they had to talk politics. It was pretty entertaining to listen to the doom and gloom coming from these 10 year olds. Both agreed neither candidate was a good choice, but neither could agree on who they would vote for, if they were old enough.

Yesterday, a news blurb come on about the DNC. Our friend, K, started chanting, "Trump, Trump, Trump!"

A2, with her wit and saracasam asked, "So, let me guess, you want Trump to win?"

K, surprised that someone would even question that, "Yes, don't you?"

A2, responded, "I don't really know yet. I still have time to decide. Why do you want Trump to win?"

K, slightly annoyed that A2 just wasn't getting it and that it was 8:30 AM, a little early for a deep discussion said, "Because A2, Hillary is a lair."

A2, wasn't done, "No, I know that. Why are you wanting Trump? What do you like about him?"

K, thought about it for a few seconds, "He has ideas, ideas that are good."

A2, trying to get to the bottom of this, "What ideas are good? What ideas do you like?" Who is this kid? She sounds so grown up, smart, inquisitive...

K, quick with her response, "You know, all of them."

A2, not sure where to go with the conversation, but needing it to go on added, "You know he wants to build a wall?"

K, not sure what to think of this wall, "What kind of a wall?"

A2, ready to share her info, "It will be a big wall. It will be somewhere in Mexi... Mexic... Mexicameria. It is to separate the Mexis... Mexios... Mexicas and the Am... Ameri... humans." Ok, this is where political advice from a 7 year old gets a little fuzzy. I try to stay out of their conversations, but I had to step in on this one.

"A2 the wall he wants to build is to keep Mexicans, who are people just like us, from coming into America illegally." I hoped this simple explanation would be enough, but I knew from past experiences it wouldn't be.

A2, of course, knew more than me and was ready to correct me, "No, mom. Mexicos are aliens. Aliens aren't human. I heard it on TV."

Ok, now I see where she is coming from, "That just means they are from a different place. If we went to Paris, we would be aliens. That doesn't mean they are green people from outer space."

"Oh." A2 was deep in thought and at a lose for words.

K picked up the slack in the convo, "I know Trump's daughter."

A2, absolutely impressed, "You do! How do you know her?"

K, confused, "I don't know her."

A2, really confused, "You said you knew her."

K, even more confused, "No, I didn't."

A2, confused but not ready to move on, "You did say you knew her."

K, confused and annoyed, "I don't know her. I saw her on TV. She has a weird name. Tiki, Kiko, Tovoa."

A2, "That is funny. Wanna play mind craft?"

And that was it.

It seems these two 7 and 8 year olds are just as informed as many of the adults trying to decide who to vote for in November. If you need help making a decision on who you should vote for, you are welcome to come over and talk it over with the A Team, then play a little Mine Craft after.


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