Sunday, June 30, 2013

Living the American Dream

Mac and I spent the first 10 years of our marriage living the American Dream i.e. spending way more than we made.  We weren't doing it to impress anyone or to "keep up with the Joneses".  We were instead doing it because it is fun.  It is fun to buy new things.  It is fun to go out to eat whenever we want.  It is fun to buy gifts for our friends without thinking about the cost.  It is fun to buy unnecessary things for the girls.
Well in the last year and a half we have matured.  We have gotten serious about being responsible adults.  We don't want to live paycheck to paycheck especially in this economy when jobs aren't as safe as they once were.  Mac and I have both made cut backs.  We have both given up things that we really don't need.  I no longer get pedicures, especially since I am not pregnant and can bend over and paint my own toenails.  Mac has cut back on his trips to Starbucks.  He makes his own coffee at home and at work.  We set a budget on the amount of money we can spend each month on presents for birthdays and weddings.  Sorry if you are born in a popular month... We have cut back on babysitters.  We allow for money for one night of a paid sitter. On the other nights if we can't get a family member to do it, we don't go.
The hardest time for me not to spend money is in the summer.  I am not working so I am home creating projects in my mind.  Things that will improve our house, make parenting easier, or be fun to do with the girls.  Most of these projects get purchased but never finished.  Most of them don't even get started after being bought.  When I am not wasting money on projects I am throwing money away at restaurants. My teacher friends like to get together to eat since it is hard to stay caught up during the school year.  While I love visiting with my friends these 2 hour chats can cost up to $40, especially when I have to bring the girls and they get the over priced Mac'n Cheese.
This summer I decided to babysit one day a week and have a garage sale to help cover the costs of some of my summer spending. This week I brought in an extra $500.  I put it on the hutch and I had a list in my head of what I was spending it on, however Mac had other, more responsible plans.  He wanted to pay bills, how Dave Ramsey of him.  I know he is right but still...
I decided that since I am really trying hard not to throw away money I can just make a list of the expensive things I would like to spend the money on.

1. New flooring in the toy room.
The current carpet we have came with the house.  Between the girls and the cat the carpet is GROSS! No matter how many times we vacuum or clean the carpet it just doesn't cut it. The once beige carpet is a rainbow of colors from marker, juice, nail polish, and illegal snakes. I refuse to go barefoot in my house because my dainty feet just can't handle the crunchy spiky texture of the carpet.  As for the smell, well no comment. I know $500 isn't enough to pay for a new floor but it is on my dream list.

2. New laptop for ME
This is totally 100% a selfish purchase. Now that I have discovered my new love for writing I get frustrated when I have to wait my turn for the computer.  I also get frustrated when someone reads something I have written before I am ready to share. I am ALSO frustrated when I start to write something, put the computer down, come back to it a few days later only to discover I can no longer find what I had previously written.  The document has faded away into the great unknown.  That is frustrating.

3. A day-cation to Six Flags.
We have no vacation plans this summer but I think it would be fun to go to Six Flags for the day this summer.  This would be a great family adventure plus A1 has a free ticket from school that she got as a reading reward.  It would be horrible not to let A1 go since she spent all that time reading, not that she even knows what the ticket it for...

4. New running shoes
I have had my current shoes for a year and I would like new ones. I read somewhere that you should replace running shoes at least once a year so it must be true even if I haven't exactly been running in them very much.

5. Refinish the kitchen cabinets
This is my pintrest project of the summer.  I would really like to replace the cabinets but that would cost too much.  With this project I would only have to to pay for stain... This would be one of those projects I would buy materials for but never start or beg my sister or Mac to finish. 

I absolutely need want all of these things but I will instead save it to pay the chiropractor.  Thanks to the chiropractor I have only had 2 headaches in the last two months.  Going from daily to only 2 in two months is amazing and totally worth spending my extra spending money. Hurray for being an adult.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lessons from Dance Class

I just reached the halfway point in my new adventure as a dancer.  Honestly, the only reason I took the class was because it was for a fundraiser I was running.  I knew going in to the class that I am not coordinated AT ALL but I figured I would give it a shot. Three classes in and it has been... well, life altering. While I am nowhere near ready for Broadway or any type of performance, for that matter, I have learned a lot. 

Lessons I have learned from Dance Class:

1. My parents made a wise financial decision by not signing me up for dance as a child.  I am bad.  I am worse than bad.  I am pathetically bad.  I know I would have been that kid that cried every week or that tripped and made all the tiny ballerinas fall like dominoes. I promise, with my fingers crossed, that I won't ever give my parents a hard time for not enrolling me in dance classes.

2. I am really out of shape. I am worn out after the warmups are completed.  After the second class I even pulled something in my back during stretches.  I can't handle an hour of dancing!

3. Jumping after birthing 3 children, not good.  Enough said.

4. My girls handle situations completly different.  I have known this but seeing it happen is always a learning experience.  A1 is ready to volunteer, eager to be in front of the group.  She wants to be the center of attention and show off her abilities.  A2 is more like me.  She doesn't want people watching her.  She wants to blend in.  She is afraid people will laugh at her. 

5. My muscle memory is just as bad as my regular memory.  Actually it might be worse.  We will finish learning a dance step and go back to run eveything we have learned and I completely forget the beginning.  I usually have to have the people standing next to me say the steps out loud so I can kind of do what I am supposed to do. 

6. I am a sweaty exerciser.  I usually have sweat pouring off of me by the time class is over.  When I look at the other dancers NONE of the rest of them are even flushed.  I am a mess and these other people are cool cucumbers.  No Fair!

7. I make a better boy than a girl.  My advice is if you are ever given a choice to dance as a boy or girl, ALWAYS go with boy!  It is much easier to dance as a boy.  The only problem is that you could end up with a diva partner like my dance partner.  I won't tell names but it does happen to start with A and she just so happens to be 4 years old.  This little diva would refuse to do the moves unless she liked them and when things went wrong she would put her hands on her hips and say, "It's all your fault." and stick her tongue out at me. 

8. When all else fails, tie your shoes.  Pretending Needing to tie your shoes can be very helpful.  It will buy you a few seconds of a break.  Can't remember a move? Tie your shoes.  Can't breath? Tie your shoes.  Can't see because sweat is falling in your eyes? Tie your shoes. 

9. I am a much better dance mom than dancer.  I realize that dance is hard work, work that I really don't want to do.  I am really good at cheering on my little dancers, not so good at dancing.  I am ok with that.  Actually I am perfectly happy with that!

10. Challenging yourself to do something new is good.  I am not one to put myself out there.  I am good with my routine.  Taking this class was wild in my world.  I have had a lot of fun.  I know I am not a dancer but I have laughed a lot and learned a lot.  As a bonus I got to take this class with A1 and A2.  They have laughed at with me.  They have seen me laugh at my mistakes.  They see that is ok not to be perfect.  Taking this class is one of the smartest things I have done in a long time!

I'm glad I still have 3 more classes.  3 more hours of embarrassment.  3 more hours of torture.  3 more hours of learning.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Check Up Time

My goal when I left the house, with all members of the A team, was to simply survive the doctor's appointment.  There are some advantages to scheduling appointments back to back for A1 and A2 but there are also some obvious disadvantages. The biggest problem is that they are both there competing for the attention of our beloved pediatrician, Dr. Jones.   The girls adore him and enjoy entertaining him.  He has such a good rapport with the girls and he seems to enjoy engaging them in conversation. 

Typically our appointments are wild adventures.  The girls crawl around the room like caged animals.  They are on the table, off the table, on the floor, on the stool, on the chair, on the scale, on the table, off the table, on the table, half off the table and back on the table.  They are both doing this in opposite rotations so I am constantly grabbing or catching one of them.  I usually work up a sweat by the end of the appointment.  When they aren't being animals they are being comedians.  Answering questions wrong or in silly voices, making up songs and dances, or just being themselves. 

Before our appointment today I told them my expectations:
1. Sit still.
2. Answer all the questions truthfully.
3. Try not to sing or be silly.
4. Let each girl have her own turn. Try not to interrupt.
5. Be good.

I bribed the girls with bagels after the appointment if they followed my rules...

They were strangely quiet when the appointment started.  One of those quiets that will surely be followed by an embarrassingly loud outburst in the very near future.  I kept checking to make sure they were still breathing. Dr. Jones came in the room before the girls even had a chance to get wild and begin there on the table, off the table routine.

A1 only answered a few questions with false off the wall answers, like telling him she was a cheerleader and played football.  What!?!  Her shinning moment was when we were talking about the headaches she was having that make her vomit.  He turned the discussion to A1 and said, "Where are you getting these headaches?" without skipping a beat she said, "From my mom." Dr. Jones really chuckled at this A1ism.  She had overheard us talking at home about my migraines and how she probably got them because I have them.  Give her a few more years then I am sure I will be giving her headaches in the same way she will be giving my headaches.

A2 had a little bit more trouble answering questions than A1 did.  She doesn't know how to spell her name out loud.  She doesn't know the names of the letters or numbers.  She learns at a different pace than A2 did.  She is very self conscious about this and will shut down when we try to work on academic things.  Dr. Jones seemed a little concerned about this but I was as cool as any special eduction teaching mom could be.  I shrugged it off because she will get it when she gets it but we should look at all the things she can do... she knows her shapes and colors.  She can write her name.  She loves to draw.  She can skip (kind of).  She is an amazing big sister.  Besides that I already have her diagnosed...

The girls managed to follow most of my rules.  I didn't leave the appointment feeling like I was going to break down in tears.  We celebrated with a bagel, after I went back home to get my debit card that A3 took out of my purse and I put on the table instead of back in my wallet.  We celebrated not only following the rules, but also being healthy and happy.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Mommy Mojo

I really thought I had my stuff together today.  My mommy mojo was really flowing.  I somehow managed to feed, a mostly healthy, almost balanced lunch to all three girls plus one extra, at the same time.  I was even able to eat lunch.  A real lunch, not just grabbing a handful of this and a handful of that.  I got A3 down for a nap at a reasonable and I was able to entertain the other three with an awesome-ish game.  I was feeling awesome.

I had a plan for dinner.  I was trying a new recipe. We were going to have Asian Lettuce Wraps.

This is where it all started to go UGLY.  Never try to outdo yourself and make 2 real meals in one day. Never.

A3 woke up from her nap an hour earlier than she normally does. I was going to use that time to prep for dinner.  Instead I was chasing and wrestling a 15 month old until I finally gave in and let her get in the pool with her sisters.  This actually seemed like a good idea.  I was able to pick lettuce and onions from the garden while she played in the pool next to me.  I let A3 play in the pool for about 20 minutes but made her come in because I didn't want her to get a sun burn AND I forgot to put a swim diaper on her  and she was near the exploding point.  I changed her on the deck and planned to come out and get her stuff after I put a new diaper on her. 

As I was putting a new diaper on A3, A2 decided she wanted to poke the diaper on the deck.  She hadn't every seen one so big and her curiosity got the best of her.  After a few pokes and a hard stomp the diaper bomb went off.  There were tiny gooey crystals all over the deck and A2's foot.  Before I could stop her she decided to rinse her foot off in the pool. 

HUMPH! Then I cleaned the tiny gooey crystals off the deck with a freshly diapered A3.  A1 was crying because the pool water would have to be emptied.  I stopped cleaning to calm her down.  While I was distracted A3 stuffed her face with a potted plant.  She was covered head to toe in potting soil.  She was really proud of herself, smiling and laughing her evil scientist laugh. 

I went inside and cleaned her off.  Once she was recognizable again, I decided to get started cooking.  I opened the pantry and got everything out I needed.  I started browning the ground chicken and heard, "Mmmm"  I turned around and found A3 had gotten a potato out of the pantry and had taken a large bite out of it.  Again with the smile and evil scientist laugh <Sigh> It is time to admit defeat, wave the white flag, my mom mojo was GONE!  I wanted to cry.  Instead I drank my 3rd Pepsi for the day, don't judge...

After the carbonated therapy was downed I went back to the kitchen and continued making dinner.  I wasn't able to finish it by the time Mac got home from work but I did finish it and it was good, really good.  So good that EVERYONE liked it and had seconds.  So good that we have no left overs.  So good that I will be making it again, soon. 

I may have lost my mommy mojo (to be honest I am not really sure I had it in the first place) but I did gain a new recipe.  Hurray for Asian Lettuce Wraps!

Activity #10

Over the weekend I came across a blog that had one of those lists with 50 different activities to do with your children outside.  I read through the list and my initial reaction was "Oh boy!  I'm a bad parent.  I haven't done any of these things with my kids and June is almost over." My second reaction was, "I will pick 1 a day and do them with the girls."  My final reaction was "I will pick a few things from the list and do them when ever I am so moved."

Well today I was so moved...

I started the morning with an indoor activity.  The girls, plus our extra girl for the day, decorated their own homework boxes.  I decided at the end of the school year I would be making the girls do at least 15 minutes a day of some type of structured school work.  Please don't judge that we are already 17 days into June and it is our first attempt at anything school related.  Oh well, I guess it just takes me awhile to adjust to a new schedule.  The girls enjoyed decorating the boxes more than the homework but I didn't really expect them to enjoy the cross word puzzles and opposites worksheet.  It was more that I enjoy torturing my girls whenever I get the chance. 

This little activity lasted about 35 minutes.  A1 was the only one who cried and it was because she didn't know how to do the crossword puzzle.  A2 was excited to do homework.  She was finally old.  A3 enjoyed running around in her diaper with the freedom of no one trying to pick her up and drag her where ever they wanted her to go.  

After lunch we ventured outside for our fun activity from the list of 50.  I selected number 10, Sponge Bulls-eye, because I had all the things we needed and it had a picture.  Pictures help when making decisions!

The girls went outside to watch me make the bulls-eye.  I didn't tell them what we were doing which added to the fun.  They were coming up with some great guesses.  This part of the activity kept them entertained for about 5 minutes.   :)

Then I finally explained the rules and let the girls have at it.  They had a blast tossing a wet sponge into the handmade chalk bulls-eye. 

The game lasted about 20 minutes before they started arguing and changing the rules.  They used the sponges and chalk circles to make a new game.  They played that game for about 15 minutes until I heard my favorite phrase, "I'm bored."

They are now in the pool.

Tomorrow I think our fun activity will be going to the doctor for their checkups.  I know after their appointments I will too tired for anything fun!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Donut Adventures

This morning Mac requested donuts for his Father's Day breakfast.  I took A1 and 2 with me to help pick out the donuts we would be getting.  We pulled into the parking lot of a locally owned well know donut place that will remain nameless.  As the car stopped A2 said, "Oh no!  I don't have any shoes?"


How in the world did you manage to get into the car and not have any shoes? Especially, after I said, "Get your shoes." at least 4 times before I got into the car.  I debated on what to do next, leave her in the car with A1 (someone without children would probably call the police), carry her in and hold her the entire time, or just bring her back home.  We headed back home.

We dropped A2 off, after a major temper tantrum where I swear I saw her head spin at least 2 times.  She was a wild animal.  It was scary and a few neighbors came out to watch.  A2 really loves putting on a show so she picked up the beast like behavior once she saw her audience.  

A1 and I left after a few minutes of wrestling with A2.  We arrived at this local donut place near our house at 10:00.  I knew going in it would be slim pickings on a Sunday morning but after the struggle I had just faced I deserved some carbs. We were greeted by a grumpy woman who said in a raspy voice, "This is all that's left." as she pointed to a small array of dounts.  I saw that the donuts we wanted were still there so I smiled and said, "We would still like to get some if that is ok." She huffed and said, "How many?"  I told her I wanted a dozen and she grabbed the larger sized yellow box and once again huffed.  I told her the ones I wanted and she began to fill my order.  Everything was going smoothly until...

I heard the lady at the drive through window ask for a blueberry something or other so I decided I wanted one too.  I asked for one and before the lady filling my order could respond this grumpy man approached me.  I recognized this grumpy man.  He was there the last time I came in to get donuts.  He was the reason I hadn't been in there in the last year.  He was the reason I always sent Mac to get donuts.  He is mean.  He is rude.  He is a hate-filled donut man.

He leaned over the counter and said in a forceful tone, "We are all out."  I tried to laugh it off and said, "I guess I should have been quicker." He rolled his beady donut man eyes and said, "It wouldn't have made a difference.  It is Sunday.  It is Father's Day.  People were in line to get their donuts before we opened." I wanted to tell him that if my 4 year old wouldn't have forgotten her shoes we would have been in there before the customer right before us got the last of the blueberry donut, but I decided not to.  I didn't want to start something with A1 standing there it just wasn't worth it!

We finished our order and paid.  The grumpy donut man started to rudely take someone else's order and sweet A1 said, "Hey, I hope you have a good day."  He glared at her as she flashed him a superstar smile.  The other customers that heard this chuckled.

I feel like we won the battle today.  A1 and I make a pretty good team!

And while I won't say the name of this place I will say: That guy better MELlOw out because I might CREAM him the next time I am in there, although, I won't be in there anytime too soon.   

A1 got in the car and pointed out the fact that he was having a bad day...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

We Did It, I Think


We did it.  I think...

A while ago I got a crazy idea that I wanted to be a runner.  Keep in mind I was that girl in Jr High who would "have cramps" any time we had to run the mile in PE.  When I did have to run I was ALWAYS the last one done because I walked 85% of the mile.  I kind of played sports in high school but never played anything that required a lot of running.  Although those first couple of weeks of tennis were rough when we spent a lot of time running the dreaded, and probably not very P.C, Indian Run.  It involved endurance and sprinting. BLAH!  

Even with my negative feelings toward running, I needed a hobby.  Something for me, so I decided to give running a try.  My running friends are always gloating on Facebook about the endorphins and all the great things that come from running so I jumped in.  I bought expensive running shoes and an expensive iron clad running bra.  I invested so much money into my hobby I had no choice but to go for it.  

I found a friend equally as crazy who agreed to sign up for The Color Blaze 5K.  We started training.  I did great until May hit and with 4 and a half weeks into my Couch to 5K program my life got crazy.  I got side tracked and stopped running.  Not totally, I think I ran 3 times the entire month.  I wasn't going to give up on my 5K dreams... My goal of running the entire 5k quickly changed to running as much as I could and walk what I couldn't. 

As the race got closer my anxiety about crowds, doing something new, and disorganization started to get the best of me.  I was making myself lose sleep worrying about this silly race.  I decided I would involve A1 in this adventure.  She is a good distraction and somehow with me compensating for all of her anxiety issues, my anxiety takes a backseat and I am able to do things I didn't think I would be able to do.  A1 was more than thrilled to be a part of this.  She became a drill sergeant trying to get me in shape.  She even made herself sick because she didn't want to miss running and ran with a migraine.  She was a great asset to my team.  She didn't get weird with worry until the night before the race.  

About a week before the race I got a cold.  I lost my voice.  I was sleeping about 2-3 hours a night because I was constantly coughing.  I coughed so much I pulled a muscle in my chest.  I was a mess.  I was miserable.  I was still going to "run" though.  

The day before the race I stood in line for an hour, coughing feeling like I was going to pass out.  It was so chaotic and disorganized getting our packets.  I could almost feel the hives starting to sprout all over my body.  The women in line behind me started to revolt.  They were yelling at the volunteers.  They were demanding answers.  I just wanted my packet and to go home.  I finally got my stuff but no answers... I had no idea where I needed to be and when.  Ugh!

That night I started coming up with reasons I should back out.  I had a bruise on my shin.  I didn't have a babysitter for A2 and A3 (I did but I could convince myself that he backed out).  I didn't have a ride.  I wasn't sure how I would meet up with my friends.  I forgot the face masks.  I didn't want to ruin my shoes.  I was getting good a coming up with excuses.  None of them really sounded good enough to convince A1 though...

I showed up to the race the next morning with my anxiety on high alert.  I knew I wasn't going to be running at all because of my cough but I was going to finish.  I had my pockets full of cough drops, an inhaler, and my phone in case I went down.  A1 was disappointed that I wasn't going to be running so I told her she could run ahead of me with her new bffs W and C.  She was thrilled with this idea!  It was a challenge she wanted to finish the race ahead of me and she did, I think.

The race stared after we stood in line throwing colored chalk dust at each other for an hour.  The kids enjoyed it much more than I did but really I am not a fun person...      

The course itself wasn't bad, in fact 1/3 of it was in the neighborhood I like to run in so it was almost comforting.  Plus it is the neighborhood I grew up in and I knew I could sneak off to my parents house if it got too bad.  A1 and W stayed 100ft ahead of me at all times.  A1 would turn around and if she thought I was too close she would yell, "My mom and C are getting close, RUN!"  This made the other runners/walkers laugh as they sprinted off.  I am guessing they probably ran 2.25 miles all together.  Not bad for someone who didn't do much training. 

Toward the end of the race A1 and W took off, they knew it was almost over so they bolted.  I lost them in the color cloud and panicked a little.  I picked up my pace and did a race walk speed to find them relaxing under a shade tree with W's parents.  W's mom, Kristy, started the race with me but she is a super star and ran the ENTIRE thing!  I'm so proud and envious of her!

We technically weren't finished so I encouraged A1 to run the rest with me.  She took off without me and got lost in a crowd. Luckily I saw her weaving in and out of the walkers. We reached a point where volunteers started passing out water and then the crowd fizzled.  The poorly marked trail ended so we assumed that the race was over.  A1 even said, "Are we done running?" Another participant answered her with, "That really is a good question." I just shrugged my shoulders and we went to meet up with our group. Hurray we finished, I think.

Later I saw pictures on Facebook of people posing for pictures in front of a sign that said, "Finish Line."  I am assuming that since I didn't walk to that sign, let a lone see it at the race, I didn't technically finish the race.  Oh well... I am making plans for my next big race.  This time I will run it!

Monday, June 10, 2013

A2's Future

I talk to A1 about her plans for the future a lot.  She changes her mind on her career almost weekly but it usually is a rotation between teacher, dancer, actor, singer, and mermaid.  Recently she has added chiropractor to the list after I started going to one to fix my headaches.  Last night I realized that I rarely talk to A2 about her plans for the future.  If someone asked me what she wanted to do, I wouldn't have any idea.  I didn't like that at all so I decided to fix it.

I asked A2 this morning what she wanted to do when she got older.  She had it all planned out as only A2 could:

"I am going to read.  That is what I want to do, is read.  Know how many kids I'm going to have? I am going to have 18 kids.  The oldest ones will help with the little ones.  And they will have a dad who is my husband and his name will be Bob cause it rhymes with job cause he is going to need a job. He will do all the hard stuff like build things.  His job can be what ever he wants but he will have a job.  I will be a step mom.  I want to be an evil step mom so I can have a mean laugh.   Maybe I will only have 8 kids."

Hmmm... maybe I won't ask her again for awhile.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Little Green Monster

It is confession time...

This week in several moments of weakness, caused by me being sick combined with me being human, I let the Little Green Monster of jealousy take over.  This monster doesn't show up often but when he does WATCH OUT!
The first attack of the Little Green Monster of jealousy showed up when we were invited, a few hours before it started, to an impromptu bonfire.  Since we are one of the few couples in our circle of friends that have kids we weren't able to go.  I was actually jr high style jealous that our friends were getting together and we were going to miss out.

The second attack happened when I was perusing through Facebook and came across pictures of friends, who have children the same age as mine, who got together for a playdate at a children's museum in another town.  The Little Green Monster bubbled to the surface when thoughts of "Hey why didn't they invite me? Do they not like me and my girls? Wait, they NEVER invite me.  Am  I really friends with these people?" Before the LGM made me do something I would regret, I put my phone down and reached for my medicinal chocolate and things were good for a little bit.

The next bout with the LGM occurred when I was chatting with a friend and she mentioned that a friend of hers, who I had never met, just published a book.  Now this is a secret (not any more) goal of mine.  I would like to someday write a book.  I don't have any idea what I would write about or who would read it, but someday I want to write.  How in the world can I be jealous of someone I had never met? 

This week of unexpected visits from the Little Green Jealousy Monster made me think, especially now that I am feeling better and have had several nights of uninterrupted sleep. Jealousy is a normal emotion.  Everyone experiences it at one time or another.  It has been said that our God is a jealous God and since we are created in His image wouldn't it be expected that we would feel jealous from time to time. 

I think what matters is how we tame our Little Green Monsters. Do we let them control us or do we control them? Do I get mad at my friends when they invite us over and we can't be there or do I rejoice in the fact that we have friends who understand that our family comes first? Do I "unfriend" people because I wasn't included or do I shake myself and realize that I can't and won't be invited to EVERYTHING? Do I get mad at a stranger for accomplishing a goal she worked hard to achieve or do I buckle down and make my own goals?

For now, while my Little Green Monster is asleep, I am going to be happy with what I have.  Love my three little A's.  Help them tame their own Little Green Monsters.

AND maybe set goals to write a book, 

if only I had something to write about...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Extended New Year's Eve

Since our family operates on the school calendar and not a yearly calendar, we are now entering our 2 1/2 months of New Year's Eve. Today I am feeling reflective so it seems like the perfect time to check up on our New year's resolutions we made in January. 

1. The ENTIRE family will try new foods and will have to give at least three bites before we can decide if we don't like something.
We have done ok with this, no that is a lie.  We have FAILED at this! We quickly slipped back into our old routines once school started up.  We will work on this again now that it is summer and the farmer's market will have a lot of variety. 

2. Run more.  
Well it wasn't really too hard to run more since my running in 2012 was nonexistant.  I have been running more although my orignal goal of being able to run the Disney half marathon in 2014 has changed since I won't be able to to take time off work to go to Disney.  My new goal is a smaller more attainable goal; run a 5k start to finish without stopping. 

3. Take a class and try something new.
I haven't done this yet...BUT, I am signed up for my first dance class.  It starts tomorrow night and I couldn't be more nervous!  Since A1 and A2 are also taking this class I am sure I will have plenty of stories to share!

1. Go to the beach more. 
Sorry kiddo!  This is not happening anytime soon.  Unless someone wants to take her along on a vacation... 

2. Take care of the Earth. 
We planted a garden.  That has to count for something. 

 3. Get the red dot off her nose and fix her R's.
 Her r's are improving slightly.  We did have her screened at school but nothing came of it.  They are monitoring the situation.  We also took her to a dermatologist.  He used a laser on her nose but had to stop because A1 said it hurt too much.  She started to put up a fight and it just wasn't worth it!  She has learned to accept her red dot on her nose and doesn't even bring it up anymore. 

 1. Wear more dresses. 
 We absolutly are doing this!  A2 is so much more pleasant in the morning when she gets to wear dresses, mostly because she is getting her way. I even bought a few dresses this year and noticed my attitude improved when I wore them. A2 might be onto something.

2. Make a dress.
Maybe this summer...

3. Cook a lot and make up our own recipes using cookies and vegetables.  
 Maybe this summer...

1. More. More of everything, food, fun, laughter, crying, learning, and loving. 
Nailed it.

 2. Get rid of the pacifier.
 Um... Still working on the bottle. Do you really think we got rid of the pacifier!?!

 3. Becoming more mobile.
 She is all over the place.  Walking, running, climbing.  She is mobile!

We really have made progress on our resolutions.  Now we can spend the rest of our extended mid-year New Year's Eve perfecting our resolutions.  I love summer!