Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Extended New Year's Eve

Since our family operates on the school calendar and not a yearly calendar, we are now entering our 2 1/2 months of New Year's Eve. Today I am feeling reflective so it seems like the perfect time to check up on our New year's resolutions we made in January. 

1. The ENTIRE family will try new foods and will have to give at least three bites before we can decide if we don't like something.
We have done ok with this, no that is a lie.  We have FAILED at this! We quickly slipped back into our old routines once school started up.  We will work on this again now that it is summer and the farmer's market will have a lot of variety. 

2. Run more.  
Well it wasn't really too hard to run more since my running in 2012 was nonexistant.  I have been running more although my orignal goal of being able to run the Disney half marathon in 2014 has changed since I won't be able to to take time off work to go to Disney.  My new goal is a smaller more attainable goal; run a 5k start to finish without stopping. 

3. Take a class and try something new.
I haven't done this yet...BUT, I am signed up for my first dance class.  It starts tomorrow night and I couldn't be more nervous!  Since A1 and A2 are also taking this class I am sure I will have plenty of stories to share!

1. Go to the beach more. 
Sorry kiddo!  This is not happening anytime soon.  Unless someone wants to take her along on a vacation... 

2. Take care of the Earth. 
We planted a garden.  That has to count for something. 

 3. Get the red dot off her nose and fix her R's.
 Her r's are improving slightly.  We did have her screened at school but nothing came of it.  They are monitoring the situation.  We also took her to a dermatologist.  He used a laser on her nose but had to stop because A1 said it hurt too much.  She started to put up a fight and it just wasn't worth it!  She has learned to accept her red dot on her nose and doesn't even bring it up anymore. 

 1. Wear more dresses. 
 We absolutly are doing this!  A2 is so much more pleasant in the morning when she gets to wear dresses, mostly because she is getting her way. I even bought a few dresses this year and noticed my attitude improved when I wore them. A2 might be onto something.

2. Make a dress.
Maybe this summer...

3. Cook a lot and make up our own recipes using cookies and vegetables.  
 Maybe this summer...

1. More. More of everything, food, fun, laughter, crying, learning, and loving. 
Nailed it.

 2. Get rid of the pacifier.
 Um... Still working on the bottle. Do you really think we got rid of the pacifier!?!

 3. Becoming more mobile.
 She is all over the place.  Walking, running, climbing.  She is mobile!

We really have made progress on our resolutions.  Now we can spend the rest of our extended mid-year New Year's Eve perfecting our resolutions.  I love summer!  

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