Monday, June 10, 2013

A2's Future

I talk to A1 about her plans for the future a lot.  She changes her mind on her career almost weekly but it usually is a rotation between teacher, dancer, actor, singer, and mermaid.  Recently she has added chiropractor to the list after I started going to one to fix my headaches.  Last night I realized that I rarely talk to A2 about her plans for the future.  If someone asked me what she wanted to do, I wouldn't have any idea.  I didn't like that at all so I decided to fix it.

I asked A2 this morning what she wanted to do when she got older.  She had it all planned out as only A2 could:

"I am going to read.  That is what I want to do, is read.  Know how many kids I'm going to have? I am going to have 18 kids.  The oldest ones will help with the little ones.  And they will have a dad who is my husband and his name will be Bob cause it rhymes with job cause he is going to need a job. He will do all the hard stuff like build things.  His job can be what ever he wants but he will have a job.  I will be a step mom.  I want to be an evil step mom so I can have a mean laugh.   Maybe I will only have 8 kids."

Hmmm... maybe I won't ask her again for awhile.

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