Monday, June 17, 2013

Activity #10

Over the weekend I came across a blog that had one of those lists with 50 different activities to do with your children outside.  I read through the list and my initial reaction was "Oh boy!  I'm a bad parent.  I haven't done any of these things with my kids and June is almost over." My second reaction was, "I will pick 1 a day and do them with the girls."  My final reaction was "I will pick a few things from the list and do them when ever I am so moved."

Well today I was so moved...

I started the morning with an indoor activity.  The girls, plus our extra girl for the day, decorated their own homework boxes.  I decided at the end of the school year I would be making the girls do at least 15 minutes a day of some type of structured school work.  Please don't judge that we are already 17 days into June and it is our first attempt at anything school related.  Oh well, I guess it just takes me awhile to adjust to a new schedule.  The girls enjoyed decorating the boxes more than the homework but I didn't really expect them to enjoy the cross word puzzles and opposites worksheet.  It was more that I enjoy torturing my girls whenever I get the chance. 

This little activity lasted about 35 minutes.  A1 was the only one who cried and it was because she didn't know how to do the crossword puzzle.  A2 was excited to do homework.  She was finally old.  A3 enjoyed running around in her diaper with the freedom of no one trying to pick her up and drag her where ever they wanted her to go.  

After lunch we ventured outside for our fun activity from the list of 50.  I selected number 10, Sponge Bulls-eye, because I had all the things we needed and it had a picture.  Pictures help when making decisions!

The girls went outside to watch me make the bulls-eye.  I didn't tell them what we were doing which added to the fun.  They were coming up with some great guesses.  This part of the activity kept them entertained for about 5 minutes.   :)

Then I finally explained the rules and let the girls have at it.  They had a blast tossing a wet sponge into the handmade chalk bulls-eye. 

The game lasted about 20 minutes before they started arguing and changing the rules.  They used the sponges and chalk circles to make a new game.  They played that game for about 15 minutes until I heard my favorite phrase, "I'm bored."

They are now in the pool.

Tomorrow I think our fun activity will be going to the doctor for their checkups.  I know after their appointments I will too tired for anything fun!

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