Wednesday, June 12, 2013

We Did It, I Think


We did it.  I think...

A while ago I got a crazy idea that I wanted to be a runner.  Keep in mind I was that girl in Jr High who would "have cramps" any time we had to run the mile in PE.  When I did have to run I was ALWAYS the last one done because I walked 85% of the mile.  I kind of played sports in high school but never played anything that required a lot of running.  Although those first couple of weeks of tennis were rough when we spent a lot of time running the dreaded, and probably not very P.C, Indian Run.  It involved endurance and sprinting. BLAH!  

Even with my negative feelings toward running, I needed a hobby.  Something for me, so I decided to give running a try.  My running friends are always gloating on Facebook about the endorphins and all the great things that come from running so I jumped in.  I bought expensive running shoes and an expensive iron clad running bra.  I invested so much money into my hobby I had no choice but to go for it.  

I found a friend equally as crazy who agreed to sign up for The Color Blaze 5K.  We started training.  I did great until May hit and with 4 and a half weeks into my Couch to 5K program my life got crazy.  I got side tracked and stopped running.  Not totally, I think I ran 3 times the entire month.  I wasn't going to give up on my 5K dreams... My goal of running the entire 5k quickly changed to running as much as I could and walk what I couldn't. 

As the race got closer my anxiety about crowds, doing something new, and disorganization started to get the best of me.  I was making myself lose sleep worrying about this silly race.  I decided I would involve A1 in this adventure.  She is a good distraction and somehow with me compensating for all of her anxiety issues, my anxiety takes a backseat and I am able to do things I didn't think I would be able to do.  A1 was more than thrilled to be a part of this.  She became a drill sergeant trying to get me in shape.  She even made herself sick because she didn't want to miss running and ran with a migraine.  She was a great asset to my team.  She didn't get weird with worry until the night before the race.  

About a week before the race I got a cold.  I lost my voice.  I was sleeping about 2-3 hours a night because I was constantly coughing.  I coughed so much I pulled a muscle in my chest.  I was a mess.  I was miserable.  I was still going to "run" though.  

The day before the race I stood in line for an hour, coughing feeling like I was going to pass out.  It was so chaotic and disorganized getting our packets.  I could almost feel the hives starting to sprout all over my body.  The women in line behind me started to revolt.  They were yelling at the volunteers.  They were demanding answers.  I just wanted my packet and to go home.  I finally got my stuff but no answers... I had no idea where I needed to be and when.  Ugh!

That night I started coming up with reasons I should back out.  I had a bruise on my shin.  I didn't have a babysitter for A2 and A3 (I did but I could convince myself that he backed out).  I didn't have a ride.  I wasn't sure how I would meet up with my friends.  I forgot the face masks.  I didn't want to ruin my shoes.  I was getting good a coming up with excuses.  None of them really sounded good enough to convince A1 though...

I showed up to the race the next morning with my anxiety on high alert.  I knew I wasn't going to be running at all because of my cough but I was going to finish.  I had my pockets full of cough drops, an inhaler, and my phone in case I went down.  A1 was disappointed that I wasn't going to be running so I told her she could run ahead of me with her new bffs W and C.  She was thrilled with this idea!  It was a challenge she wanted to finish the race ahead of me and she did, I think.

The race stared after we stood in line throwing colored chalk dust at each other for an hour.  The kids enjoyed it much more than I did but really I am not a fun person...      

The course itself wasn't bad, in fact 1/3 of it was in the neighborhood I like to run in so it was almost comforting.  Plus it is the neighborhood I grew up in and I knew I could sneak off to my parents house if it got too bad.  A1 and W stayed 100ft ahead of me at all times.  A1 would turn around and if she thought I was too close she would yell, "My mom and C are getting close, RUN!"  This made the other runners/walkers laugh as they sprinted off.  I am guessing they probably ran 2.25 miles all together.  Not bad for someone who didn't do much training. 

Toward the end of the race A1 and W took off, they knew it was almost over so they bolted.  I lost them in the color cloud and panicked a little.  I picked up my pace and did a race walk speed to find them relaxing under a shade tree with W's parents.  W's mom, Kristy, started the race with me but she is a super star and ran the ENTIRE thing!  I'm so proud and envious of her!

We technically weren't finished so I encouraged A1 to run the rest with me.  She took off without me and got lost in a crowd. Luckily I saw her weaving in and out of the walkers. We reached a point where volunteers started passing out water and then the crowd fizzled.  The poorly marked trail ended so we assumed that the race was over.  A1 even said, "Are we done running?" Another participant answered her with, "That really is a good question." I just shrugged my shoulders and we went to meet up with our group. Hurray we finished, I think.

Later I saw pictures on Facebook of people posing for pictures in front of a sign that said, "Finish Line."  I am assuming that since I didn't walk to that sign, let a lone see it at the race, I didn't technically finish the race.  Oh well... I am making plans for my next big race.  This time I will run it!

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