Monday, June 17, 2013

Mommy Mojo

I really thought I had my stuff together today.  My mommy mojo was really flowing.  I somehow managed to feed, a mostly healthy, almost balanced lunch to all three girls plus one extra, at the same time.  I was even able to eat lunch.  A real lunch, not just grabbing a handful of this and a handful of that.  I got A3 down for a nap at a reasonable and I was able to entertain the other three with an awesome-ish game.  I was feeling awesome.

I had a plan for dinner.  I was trying a new recipe. We were going to have Asian Lettuce Wraps.

This is where it all started to go UGLY.  Never try to outdo yourself and make 2 real meals in one day. Never.

A3 woke up from her nap an hour earlier than she normally does. I was going to use that time to prep for dinner.  Instead I was chasing and wrestling a 15 month old until I finally gave in and let her get in the pool with her sisters.  This actually seemed like a good idea.  I was able to pick lettuce and onions from the garden while she played in the pool next to me.  I let A3 play in the pool for about 20 minutes but made her come in because I didn't want her to get a sun burn AND I forgot to put a swim diaper on her  and she was near the exploding point.  I changed her on the deck and planned to come out and get her stuff after I put a new diaper on her. 

As I was putting a new diaper on A3, A2 decided she wanted to poke the diaper on the deck.  She hadn't every seen one so big and her curiosity got the best of her.  After a few pokes and a hard stomp the diaper bomb went off.  There were tiny gooey crystals all over the deck and A2's foot.  Before I could stop her she decided to rinse her foot off in the pool. 

HUMPH! Then I cleaned the tiny gooey crystals off the deck with a freshly diapered A3.  A1 was crying because the pool water would have to be emptied.  I stopped cleaning to calm her down.  While I was distracted A3 stuffed her face with a potted plant.  She was covered head to toe in potting soil.  She was really proud of herself, smiling and laughing her evil scientist laugh. 

I went inside and cleaned her off.  Once she was recognizable again, I decided to get started cooking.  I opened the pantry and got everything out I needed.  I started browning the ground chicken and heard, "Mmmm"  I turned around and found A3 had gotten a potato out of the pantry and had taken a large bite out of it.  Again with the smile and evil scientist laugh <Sigh> It is time to admit defeat, wave the white flag, my mom mojo was GONE!  I wanted to cry.  Instead I drank my 3rd Pepsi for the day, don't judge...

After the carbonated therapy was downed I went back to the kitchen and continued making dinner.  I wasn't able to finish it by the time Mac got home from work but I did finish it and it was good, really good.  So good that EVERYONE liked it and had seconds.  So good that we have no left overs.  So good that I will be making it again, soon. 

I may have lost my mommy mojo (to be honest I am not really sure I had it in the first place) but I did gain a new recipe.  Hurray for Asian Lettuce Wraps!

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