Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Donut Adventures

This morning Mac requested donuts for his Father's Day breakfast.  I took A1 and 2 with me to help pick out the donuts we would be getting.  We pulled into the parking lot of a locally owned well know donut place that will remain nameless.  As the car stopped A2 said, "Oh no!  I don't have any shoes?"


How in the world did you manage to get into the car and not have any shoes? Especially, after I said, "Get your shoes." at least 4 times before I got into the car.  I debated on what to do next, leave her in the car with A1 (someone without children would probably call the police), carry her in and hold her the entire time, or just bring her back home.  We headed back home.

We dropped A2 off, after a major temper tantrum where I swear I saw her head spin at least 2 times.  She was a wild animal.  It was scary and a few neighbors came out to watch.  A2 really loves putting on a show so she picked up the beast like behavior once she saw her audience.  

A1 and I left after a few minutes of wrestling with A2.  We arrived at this local donut place near our house at 10:00.  I knew going in it would be slim pickings on a Sunday morning but after the struggle I had just faced I deserved some carbs. We were greeted by a grumpy woman who said in a raspy voice, "This is all that's left." as she pointed to a small array of dounts.  I saw that the donuts we wanted were still there so I smiled and said, "We would still like to get some if that is ok." She huffed and said, "How many?"  I told her I wanted a dozen and she grabbed the larger sized yellow box and once again huffed.  I told her the ones I wanted and she began to fill my order.  Everything was going smoothly until...

I heard the lady at the drive through window ask for a blueberry something or other so I decided I wanted one too.  I asked for one and before the lady filling my order could respond this grumpy man approached me.  I recognized this grumpy man.  He was there the last time I came in to get donuts.  He was the reason I hadn't been in there in the last year.  He was the reason I always sent Mac to get donuts.  He is mean.  He is rude.  He is a hate-filled donut man.

He leaned over the counter and said in a forceful tone, "We are all out."  I tried to laugh it off and said, "I guess I should have been quicker." He rolled his beady donut man eyes and said, "It wouldn't have made a difference.  It is Sunday.  It is Father's Day.  People were in line to get their donuts before we opened." I wanted to tell him that if my 4 year old wouldn't have forgotten her shoes we would have been in there before the customer right before us got the last of the blueberry donut, but I decided not to.  I didn't want to start something with A1 standing there it just wasn't worth it!

We finished our order and paid.  The grumpy donut man started to rudely take someone else's order and sweet A1 said, "Hey, I hope you have a good day."  He glared at her as she flashed him a superstar smile.  The other customers that heard this chuckled.

I feel like we won the battle today.  A1 and I make a pretty good team!

And while I won't say the name of this place I will say: That guy better MELlOw out because I might CREAM him the next time I am in there, although, I won't be in there anytime too soon.   

A1 got in the car and pointed out the fact that he was having a bad day...

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