Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Focus T25

I am not a huge fan of dieting or working out.  I am even less of a fan of spending money on clothes just because my old ones don't fit. My usual diet plan is to eat what I want but share a little with one of the members of the A Team.  I had be disillusioned that by the idea that sharing all of my high calorie goodies I wasn't really eating very many calories.  This theory is very wrong. I also was counting breastfeeding as exercise.  You get to eat extra calories while you are nursing, however I haven't breastfed in 4 months so I need to toss out that excuse to eat a little extra.  Clearly, I am in denial and I have issues!

I decided a few weeks ago it was time to make a change.  It won't be too long until I am 35 and so I really need to stop eating like I am 5.  I also need to get back into shape what shape that is I haven't really decided since I have never been an athlete. I know that I am not getting any younger and the longer I wait the harder it will be.

I was lucky enough to stumble upon a friend who was starting a "challenge group" for a new workout program.  I talked to her about it and I decided it was worth the money.  The biggest selling point for me was that it was short.  It is only 25 minutes for each DVD.  I could fit 25 minutes in my day!

Monday was my 1 week anniversary with T25.  So far I love it.  I usually suffer from exorcise induced ADD.  I will start a DVD with the intention of completing it but I always stop about the 10 minute mark because I am distracted by more interesting things like laundry... I haven't had that problem with T25.  Shaun, we are on a first name basis at this point, is so motivating and keeps things changing so quickly that I can't get bored.  I think I have found my perfect workout match.

I even have a workout buddy, Tonya.  Tonya is nice enough to show everyone the modified versions of all the workouts.  I typically stick with her because Shaun has us doing a lot of jumping and well... lets just say I don't jump...  Even with me doing the modified workouts I am getting a lot from it.  I am completely worn out by the end. 

With only a week in I have lost 2lbs and a half inch off both arms.  I am happy with these results so far.  I can't wait to compare my before and after pictures.  I hope there is a noticeable difference. I guess this just shows I am a little vain. :)

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