Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sleep schedules and Girls' Night Out

Normally at this time every year I start getting myself worked up stressing out about getting the girls back on a schedule.  I watch the clock, set timers, beg, yell, and come close to a full blown temper tantrum begging the girls to go to sleep at a decent time.  Basically I make life a living you-know-what until school starts and the girls naturally fall into a schedule.  Waking up at 6AM will force them to go to bed early. 
This year I decided to try a different approach.  I wasn't going to get all worked up.  I was going to let what ever happens happen.  On Sunday morning I asked the girls what they wanted to do.  A2 asked for "a girls night out."  I was curious as to what a 4 year old expected to happen on a girls night out.  She informed me they would stay up late, watch movies, and sleep in sleeping bags in my room. So Girls night out was like any other night, only with permission. I agreed to the girls night out.
Mac left for Muni rehearsal Sunday night so we were set for our girls only girls night out.  Nana stopped by for a surprise addition of matching pajamas for the girls. A1 was particularly excited by this.  She was ready to take any opportunity to match the other two girls especially A3 because she was guaranteed a few cuteness points. 

To the list of A2 planned activities, I added a fun, in my head it was fun, activity of watching the meteor shower from our backyard. The girls were initially excited about this adventure.  We went outside at 11 to cuddle in the hammock in our backyard.  A2 was the first to confess that this might not be such a good idea.  She was afraid of all the noises she heard and was convinced a bad guys was going to jump the fence to shoot us.  We managed to stay outside for about 20 minutes before we gave up.  It was way too cloudy to see anything, plus A2 couldn't see anything with her head buried in my armpit.  Even though we didn't see any stars we had a lot of laughs, especially when I fell out of the hammock...

Our girls night out continued with undercooked brownies and a few episodes of Austin & Ally.  I was exhausted but the girls weren't slowing down.  I convinced them to move the party upstairs where they crawled into their sleeping bags.  I fell asleep only to be woken up a few minutes later with a pair of blue eyes centimeters away from my face.  The girls exploded into laughter as I gasped for breath and screamed.  A2 admitted she was afraid to sleep on the floor because a bad guy might break in and get her.  I talked her into sleeping on the floor as long as the door was locked.  I drifted off to sleep somewhere around 12:30.  A1 kept the party going until 1:06, as she was happy to report in the morning. 
Monday night's bedtime went very smoothly.  The girls were still worn out from our girls night out that they all were asleep by 9PM, within 5 minutes of them laying down.  Tonight I expect bedtime to be a little crazy with all the adrenaline from meet the teacher night and first-day-of-school-eve jitters. 
I will not stress about bedtime schedules.  They will fix themselves.  Early rising means early to bed, eventually...

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