Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Traditions are important for families but at some point traditions have to change or end.  Today was all about surviving the official end of a tradition.  After 29 years of first day of school outfit shopping with my dad's parents, Granny and Papa, this will be the first year I won't be starting the school year with a fresh new ensemble provided by them.

This tradition started the summer before kindergarten with a trip to Sears during my week alone at Granny and Papa's house.  I was allowed to select anything I wanted.  In the early years I always picked a beautiful frilly dress similar to something A2 would want to wear.  As time went on the selections reflected the current trends.  No matter how strange or bizarre the outfit was, Granny and Papa were always happy to get me what ever I wanted.  They would even throw in accessories to top off the outfit, most of the time without me asking.

The tradition continued as I went on to college even though I was no longer staying a week at their house during the summer. They drove the 2 hours to come to our house since my schedule became too busy to even stay with them for the weekend.  They never complained.  Looking back they just seemed happy to spend with me giving me what I wanted.

Much to my surprise they wanted to continue my back to school shopping even once the roles changed and I was no longer a student but instead a teacher.  They told me that teachers should be allowed to get a back to school outfit in order to get excited to head back to school just like their students.  We would meet half way between my house and theirs for lunch at Cracker Barrel then head to the mall.  This was always a highlight of August.

After I had the girls, they were also included in our tradition even before they were in school. Granny and Papa said they should get something new because their mommy was going back to school and they were getting to go to a babysitter.

During the last couple of years the tradition had to change as their health began to decline.  During the last week of July I would receive a check in the mail along with a note explaining that I needed to use the money to buy a new outfit for myself and the girls.  After I went shopping, I would call them and tell them exactly what I bought and would promise to send a picture of us sporting the new duds.  And usually I did.

With both of them passing last November, the tradition of Granny and Papa buying me a first day of school outfit has ended.  This wonderful tradition changed throughout the 29 years of its existence and now it is no more.  It isn't about the clothes really.  I can go and buy my own first day of  school outfit but it just won't be the same.  I really miss them and their conversations even the ones that were repeated every time I saw them.

Today I packed up the A team and we traveled to an outlet mall to meet my mom's mom.  We had lunch and I shopped for the girls.  When I left my house this morning I had full intentions of looking for something for me, as well as the girls, however I couldn't do it. A1 is set for the year, unless she has some enormous growth spurt but I'm not counting on that happening for her.  It really was a great day.  We were even able to unexpectedly meet up with my aunt and cousin for ice cream before we headed back.  I will just need some "me time" to completely mourn the end of this tradition and buy my own first first day of school outfit.     


  1. What a sweet story. {{{Hugs}}} to you. This is beautiful, Carrie. You are an excellent writer! (This is Erin Warren Gaston, by the way, M's cousin in Georgia.)

    1. Thanks so much Erin! I am glad you found this. It has been a tough year but writing has really helped. :)
