Thursday, October 24, 2013

Daily Drama

Only 20 minutes into one of my mind numbing shows, my peace was interrupted by screams and tears that could only mean a broken bone.  I jumped out of my chair and met the screamer at the bottom of the stairs.  A1.  In between sobs, and with a little translation help from A2, I discovered that A1 had misplaced her lost tooth.  The one she had been working on for about 2 weeks. She was over the moon excited after school as she told the great tale of losing her tooth at school.  She was ecstatic at the thought of the tooth fairy visiting her and leaving a treasure. So instead of a broken bone we were dealing with a lost bone.  

It seems that the tooth fell out of the special tooth pillow we found at my grandparents' house somewhere between the living room and her bedroom.  Both girls think they saw it "almost" fall out of the pillow on the bed.  I followed them upstairs while the wailing continued.  I looked on the bed.  I looked on the floor.  I looked under the bed on the floor.  I am slightly disgusted by the number of small white things we found on the floor that weren't teeth.  We found popcorn, crackers, tissue, cotton, shells, and unidentified ickies but no tooth.

I tried to convince the girls to go to bed with the pillow and the tooth fairy would just know what happened.  That didn't work! I even tried using some sure fire bathroom humor.  I got a few giggles but still no convincing A1. A1 informed me that if she tried to trick the tooth fairy a zombie fairy would show up in her place and try to steal all of her teeth.  Well, we couldn't have that, now could we? 

A1 got out of bed and wrote the Tooth Fairy a note explaining what happened.  She apologized for losing her tooth, as well as, having a messy room.  She asked the Tooth Fairy to search for the tooth if she has time. The note was enough to calm A1's nerves and she agreed to go to bed. As I shut the door I heard A2 ask A1 how the Tooth Fairy got in the room.  A1 yawned and said, "She just does."

Thank goodness that crisis is over and only lasted 45 minutes.  Now I just hope the tooth fairy remembers to show up and maybe she can vacuum while she is here.


  1. Did you hit the record button for the show?

  2. I tried, but she is on to me and my ways. She hid behind the cat.

  3. I still have the note L had to write to the tooth fairy. I think he swallowed his. She's used to it! :-)
