Monday, October 14, 2013

Yesterday's Highlights

While yesterday was filled with sad emotions, we still had our fair share of giggles thanks in full to the A Team.  The best part about my two favorite highlights is that neither A1 nor A2 realized they were being funny.  They were totally confused as to why we laughed with at them.

A2 innocently caused a giggle eruption when reminded me that I couldn't use the bathroom at Granny and Papa's house since the water had been shut off.  Lucky for us my mom's mom lives across the street so we were able to use her bathroom throughout the day.  I mentioned that I needed to go to the bathroom before we started our 2 hour drive home.  Addelyn rambled, "Well you can't go to the bathroom here.  They don't have a bathroom.  Well they have a bathroom it is jut broken.  That is probably why they wanted to die.  I think I would want to die if my bathroom was broken." Thank goodness we have more than one bathroom in our house.  You had better believe I will have a plumber at our house if we ever have a bathroom out of order.  I wouldn't want to take a risk!

A1 provided some entertainment when we stopped half way home for drink refills.  A clean, well dressed man was standing outside of McDonald's begging for money so he could buy some "coffee." Let's face it, he probably wasn't going to use that money for coffee! Well he was lucky enough to ask the sucker out of our group, Nana.  She came back to the car after talking to him and found $5 in her purse.  I was in shock.  In my head I was screaming, "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING? YOU ARE GOING TO GET ALL OF US KILLED HE IS PROBABLY A MURDERER, TONIGHT WE WILL BE ON THE NEWS BECAUSE WE WERE OFFED BY THE "MCDONALD'S MURDERER.'" Instead what I said was something like, "You know he is going to buy drugs with that." I haven't ever known my mom to be a softie but in this moment she was. 

We drove up to the man and she handed him the $5.  He blessed her as his already bugged out eyes got bigger.  My mom claims they were "surprised eyes" but they were eyes that indicate a drug problem or a serious thyroid condition.

Before I could start the lecture A1 stated in. "Nana, you know that guy didn't really need your money for coffee.  He was a bad guy and he was just playing with your emotions.  He wanted you to feel bad so he could get what you wanted from him.  My mom and dad told me that people who stand with signs asking for money probably really don't need it for what their sign says.  He could be a killer.  There is a song, "Dumb Ways to Die" and one of the ways is invite a psycho killer inside." She stopped her lecture briefly to sing the song.  Then she continued, "He is probably a psycho killer and now we are going to die." At this point we were a good 5 miles away from the bug eyed bandit.  Nana reassured her that he was not a psycho and that she hadn't invited him anywhere.

I am glad to know that our super sensitive A1 paid attention to us after she cried seeing a young man and women begging for food one afternoon.  I don't want her to be cold hearted  but I also don't want her to be taken advantage of either.  We will work on tack next.

Even though yesterday was a hard day I was relieved to have my honest, insightful, and hilarious A Team with me! And even with them driving Nana slightly batty in the car, especially with the lecture on the dangers of giving money to beggars, I think she was glad they were there too.     

1 comment:

  1. I think your Nana is one of "God's fools," and the world needs those, too.
