Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What's My Excuse?

What's my excuse? I am so glad you asked...

1. I work full time outside of my house.
2. I am a mom of 3 girls who are involved in activities outside of the home.
3. I wake up at 5:30AM to make it to work at on time.
5. I usually get to bed around 10:45PM after getting all the nightly chores finished.
6. Some days I leave my house at 7AM and don't get home until close to 7PM
7. I like love to eat, everyday, 3+ times a day.
8. McDonald's is my happy place.
9. I have never had a lean, muscular body.
10. Working out is my own personal hell.
11.  I enjoy watching TV.
12. I enjoy reading.
13. I enjoy writing.
14. I bake when I am stressed.
15. I don't like to waste food that I bake.
16. I know my worth isn't determined by my waist.
17. I am tired.
18. Chocolate
19. My girls need to know they are more important than a tan tiny body.
20. A1, A2, A3

I am so irritated by this for so many reasons.  The biggest is that it is another example of a mom tearing down another mom.  We need to start supporting each other instead of beating each other down. I hope that this was somehow taken out of context and the harshness of the words that delivered what could have been a motivating were just a mistake. 

However, I am not sure that it was a mistake or taken out of context. I saw a couple of interviews where this lady claimed that she just didn't understand what the problem was.  Why would this hurt anyone?  She said all that she wanted to do was motivate moms to want to better themselves. Well guess what Super Fit Mom? All you did was make me mad.  When I get mad I eat McDonald's.  So... your motivational tactics caused me to eat a hamburger and fries.  WAY TO GO!
Then on the same show Snookie and JWow were also asked what they thought as if we care, your 15 minutes are up! They both thought that there was nothing wrong with this message and that the people who were upset were just fat and lazy.  WHAT!?!

Come on ladies! Let's put an end to the immature inappropriate name calling. Find beauty in being who you are.   Obviously, we, as a society, need to work on improving our health. We are always seeing reports about obesity rates and bla, bla, bla... Do you really think someone who is overweight doesn't know they are overweight? Do you really think they want to be overweight? Do you really think an overweight person doesn't know what they need to do? It is hard to lose weight.  It is hard making the choice to be fit. Be supportive, be a friend, don't be a "B!" Being a mom is exhausting work.  No need to add more stress.  

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see what went along with the photo, but I'm betting this mom doesn't have a job that takes her away from the home all day. If she does, then is that job one that involved personal fitness? We would all be fit and slim if our job was to work out all day. Not saying that isn't a good thing, to be able to work out all day, but it makes for unfair comparisons to all the parents who do not have that luxury. Vivian
