Thursday, September 11, 2014

Calgon Fixes All

Dear Calgon,
Please, take me away. The amount of emotions I have dealt with today should warrant an extended vacation, even if it is just a bubble bath. 

A1 has been dealing with some "heavy" issues this week. Her lunch table talked too much; she ended up on red. Boys were wrestling during indoor recess. She tried to pick up a cabinet they knocked over; she got yelled at. She was playing with an ant on her desk; her friend turned her in, she got yelled at. Math homework was hard; she had to spend more than 15 minutes working on it. I used a different detergent, she got a rash. I gave her Benadryl; she was tired. She sat down during dance; she got "yelled" at. She hates dance; I'm making her finish what she started. She is short; people think she is a baby. Her teacher hates her. Her dance teacher hates her. Her bus driver hates her. She is a bad dancer; the worst.  

Calgon, all of this came out in a tearful 15 minute ride home after dance. I know most of this is due to the fact that she is exhausted, but, Calogon, I'm exhausted too. I have been sick for over a week. I'm taking care of three girls. I'm teaching full time, well, kind of... I have had to use several sick days to stay with sick kids and nurse Mac back to health. I have had to do all the cleaning and parenting on my own. I'm almost over my data plan on my phone. My wifi isn't working. I have a hang nail. My life is rough. I'm sure there are people who hate me, but, honestly, I'm too tired to even care. 

Calgon, I deserve to be taken away. 

Actually, now that I think about it, I really don't like baths, bubble or otherwise. In fact, baths disgust me, sitting in a puddle of your own filth. Nasty. I put baths right up there with birds and hair. Showers really are the way to go. Calgon, please leave me alone.  If you really want to take someone, how about A1? She likes baths and has had the worst day ever. She would really like it. 

Calgon, thanks for listening. You really did make me feel better. 


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