Tuesday, September 23, 2014

All About the Pirate

This morning we were listening to the radio, as we do every morning while, we were getting ready. Unfortunately, the only station we can get without static is one I find to be questionable at best for the girls to be listening to in the morning. I decided to risk it, since we need to music to get moving. Plus, I often make questionable parenting decisions that totally backfire, but that is what makes my life fun. 

As I was brushing A1's hair, All About The Bass came on. Now I have heard it many times and I actually enjoy it, but I often question the message. Maybe I'm a prude, but I just don't think the girls need to hear that boys like girls for their booty. Even though I have had that feeling in the out of my stomach that the girls really shouldn't listen to the song, I listen to it, and A3 and I jam to it on the way to school almost everyday. 

Today I realized I shouldn't have ignored that feeling in my stomach. A1 said, "Just what exactly is this song about?"  Oh no! The girls were about to find out mommy likes songs about bad things... So I did the only thing a mom in my situation could do. 

I lied. 

I totally and completely lied to all three girls and it wasn't even a good lie. I told the girls it was about a pirate bringing his booty back after a long voyage. A1 didn't buy it. She wanted to know what the bass and trouble meant. In order to buy time I told her the word was actually treble, not trouble. Then I told the pirate was in a band and he sang bass, which means he sings low. Honestly, I have no idea what treble actually is, but I'm sure it has something to so with music because we have a "treble choir" at school, at least I think we do...

A2 totally bought it. She started pretending to be a pirate as she sang the rest of the song. A3 really didn't care. A1 was still skeptical. She started to tell me that she saw the video and they were tweeking so she knows they aren't talking about pirate booty. I told her watching videos was bad for her mind so she needed to stop. Then I left the room before she could ask anything else. 

Tonight on the way to Brownies she had me cornered. She wanted to know why it was bad to watch videos. I stalled and then told her because it would ruin her creativity and ability to interpret her own meanings from songs. 

Then I realized I was a genius. I no longer had to feel guilty for my lie earlier in the day. I was simply coming up with my own interpretation of the song. The song IS about a deep voiced pirate who is bringing his loot back to his band. I'm. A. Genius! 

And I will no longer let the girls listen to that radio station. 

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