Sunday, September 21, 2014

Growing Up Isn't Hard to Do

The A Team did some major growing up this weekend. In addition to A1's mood swings and friend issues, she also found time to perfect her culinary skills. She made her first box of Macaroni and Cheese with minimal assistance. She was so proud of herself! I made her tell me everything she was doing before she did it and I made her reread the directions when she was about to mess up. The only step she had to read twice was where she had to add the cheese... I know it is a little confusing that you would add cheese from a sealed white packet, but that is how lazy parents do it. Get used to it! She served everyone and watched as we ate it. She was full of smiles and happily accepted our compliments. 

A2 wasn't as happy about her growing up moment. I forced it in her. I was a mean mom and made her wear jeans. She hates wearing pants of any kind. She hasn't ever worn jeans because I can't stand the crying and temper tantrums that come when I try to make her wear them. She only wears leggings and the closest thing she has ever gotten to wearing jeans is when she slips on a pair of jeggings, the tighter the better. I'm a Pick Your Battles kind of mom and I decided Saturday my battle was going to be A2 putting jeans on and wearing hem for 2 hours. That was all I asked. She put the jeans on and her body immediately twisted and contorted. She became a human worm rolling on the floor. She began to come up with things she wouldn't be able do it I made her wear the jeans. She wouldn't be able to do the splits, leap through the air, sit, or walk. She began limping and dragging a foot behind her. She became a 95 year old in seconds. I wasn't backing down though. She was going to wear the jeans no matter what. She did have the option of staying home. Once we got to the Apple Barn she forgot all about how horrible her pants were and enjoyed the day. When we got home she even admitted that the jeans weren't that bad. She said she would wear those to school, if it was an early out day. 

A3's growing up happened on the potty. She used the potty twice. She was in the shower and started to panic because she had to go. I put her on the toilet and she started to freak out a little because she really wanted a diaper, but I was not going to do that. I just waited her out and then we celebrated. She told me later that night she had to go again.  I know this isn't the end of diapers for us, but I see we are a little bit closer and that makes me happy! 

Most of the time I get weepy when the girls hit milestones, but these milestones are so glorious! No tears here, I'm ready to celebrate!!! 

My big girls and me, check out A2's jeans!

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