Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Future Plans

Periodically I like to check in with the girls on their plans for the future.  I like to reassure myself that I am doing a good enough job being mean enough to make the girls want to move out and support themselves. After the most recent "check-in", I think I need to increase my meanness!

A1 typically responds with a list of 10-15 totally unrelated jobs that she wants to do at the same time. Dancing-doctor-hairdresser-soup cooker was my favorite. This time when I asked she got all weepy and told me it was too stressful to think about a job. She has too many more important things to worry about like multiplication or if so and so is still mad at her.  She was thinking that maybe she should just stop worrying about finding a job and look for a husband instead... at least she had a plan on how she was going to pay her bills. Then she added "or maybe I will just date some guys and live with you forever." NO! That is not a good plan! Just what exactly are you looking for in a husband? I will help you look. 

A2 had a real plan. She wants to get a job working at McDonald's, so she could see me everyday... I have nothing else to say about this.

For the first time A3 got to participate in my attempt at brainwashing. Here is how our conversation went:

Me: "What are you going to do when you grow up?"
A3: "Cry."
Me: "Cry, why are you going to cry?"
A3: "I miss my mama."
Me: "But you will have a job, what will your job be?"
A3: "No, I not have a job." Then she started laughing at me.

I need a new game plan. I am failing at getting them excited to move out...


  1. I LOVE your response to "A1"! haha! Your girls are too cute! - Kim Noyes
