Friday, January 23, 2015

Social Media PSA

*Warning, this is not the normal funny post about the A Team... This is a passive aggressive PSA aimed at all the young people using social media.

I am not in my happy place while I write this. (ok, so I am physically in my happy place at home sitting in my recliner under a warm blanket in front of the tv, but I am not in my emotional happy place.) It was brought to my attention earlier tonight, that someone, a student, posted something about me on a social media app. I won't mention the app, but it was one that Good Morning America warned parents to monitor, because it is only used as a bullying app. Now, this post wasn't directly about me, but it is about the musical that I am directing. I know that I shouldn't let these things bother me, but the comment really made me question why I direct. Why do I spend time with students who clearly, based on this comment, don't want to be there, when I could be spending time with my A Team, who, for the time being want me around?

I guess the cowardly, anonymous comment hurt because of the amount of time and energy I spend working on the show. I spend almost 15 hours setting the schedule alone; trying to work around sport schedules and other extra curricular activities that students place as a higher priority. Then there are the countless hours I spend at rehearsal each night. The hours I spend working on the sets, costumes, and programs. The hours of work the students never think about. The hours of time I am away from my girls.  

While I sat around feeling sorry for myself and unappreciated, I put on my investigator hat. Big mistake. I decided to check out some of the social media accounts of some of the students in our show in an attempt to figure out who would leave this comment. I really wish I wouldn't have, because I am afraid it hurt my opinion of these kids. I was shocked by the language, the disrespect, and the pictures.  Some of the students who posted things are people I had very high opinions of and would have trusted with watching my girls. Now I am not so sure.

I know the students have heard the messages about being careful about what you post because it will haunt you later in your life. Almost every middle school through high school teacher has had to lecture about this topic at one time or another. I am sure students are tired of hearing the lectures and the warnings. We are probably sounding like the teachers on Peanuts.

Well congratulations, my young friends, you have just earned another lecture.

A Team Social Media Rules to Live By:

1. Parents check your child's social media activities. What are they posting? What is the image they are sending out for everyone to see? What if every status or picture was printed on a shirt. Would you let your child walk around at church, a family reunion, or wedding wearing the things they are posting? No? Then don't let them post it!

2. Kids Young adults, think before you post. Would you want to wear the things you are posting to church, a family reunion, to school, or to a job interview? No? Then DON'T post it!  

3. Don't be destructive. Is what you are writing going to destroy someone? Is it going to destroy you? By writing your feelings about a class or a teacher, will you destroy your reputation with that teacher or any teacher who could read it? If you are writing something about someone, will it ruin their day if they read it? If if was written about you, would it crush your heart? Yes? Then don't write it!

4. Don't be gross. Is the picture you are posting appropriate? Is the picture something you would proudly show your grandparents? Is the picture Christmas card worthy? Is the picture something you would show your future children? Is the picture something you would want to see your future children doing? No? Then don't post it!

5. If you are having trouble understanding these rules, put your phones and computers away.  You aren't ready for social media!

Once you post something it is on the internet for anyone and everyone to see from now until forever. Your current teachers, future teachers, employers, future employers, your future in laws, and even your future children and grandchildren. Do you want your grandchildren to think you were a trashy gross teenager? NO WAY!
In all seriousness, be smart about what you put on twitter, facebook, and all other social media outlets. You will only end up hurting yourself in the end.

Oh, and P.S. This year's musical won't suck donkey balls.

1 comment:

  1. *Warning, this is not the normal funny post about the A Team... This is a passive aggressive PSA aimed at all the young people using social media.likes
