Saturday, January 17, 2015

The A Team Teaches History

Knowing that Mac is a self proclaimed History Buff and history is my fourth best subject on Trivia Crack, it is natural to assume that our children would be history geniuses.

Not so much.

History according to the A Team:

A2 was so excited to tell us about the guy she learned about in school yesterday. His name was Arthur and he was a king. She wasn't exactly sure where he was a king at, but he helped people ride buses. He didn't help all people, just people with skin.


A1, on the other hand, had all the facts.  She knew exactly what Martin Luther King Jr did and why it was important. She could recite most of his "I Have a Dream" speech. She even had a song she learned in music and beautifully sang it, without giving me those nails on a chalk board goose bumps I get when I hear certain noises. (violins, some soprano voices, dry erase markers not held properly when writing, crunching snow, cheap mechanical pencils, etc) I was totally convinced that A1 might just be our history guru and then she asked me, "Where Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln best friends?"

Oy vey!

Maybe history just isn't their "thing."

Oh, if you have any questions about the Mayflower and pilgrims, I recommend asking A2.  I learned new facts. Did you know the kids on the Mayflower were a bunch of drunks? Me neither. 

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