Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gateway Drugs Update

The other day A1 had a friend over.  All the girls were sitting at the kitchen table making jewelry when I heard A1 whisper to her friend, "Hey, can I tell you something in private?" Naturally her friend agreed and they tried to sneak off to the toy room.  As any well meaning mom would do, I quietly followed them and listened behind a door. 
A1 confessed after her friend agreed she wouldn't tell anyone her secret, "I took drugs."
Her friend was confused but used to A1's over the top drama, "No you didn't.  What are you talking about?"
A1 started getting a little hysterical, "I did.  I took drugs and my mom caught me and the police are going to get me cause I did it in front of the camera."
Her friend wasn't buying it, "You didn't take drugs.  People who take drugs look gross and act all crazy and break things."
A1, "No I mean it, I really did."
Friend, "What was it?"
A1, "Cough drops."
I decided I better intervene.  I walked in to the room to see A1's friend give her an "are you serious" look.  I offered my explaination that cough drops are medicine and if you use medicine when you don't need it, it is a drug.  A1's friend seemed to understand.  She looked at A1 and put her hand on her shoulder, looked her in the eyes and said, "A1, it was only cough drops.  If you stop now it will be ok."
I know who I am calling if we ever need an intervention!

This morning A2 was helping me clean the living room.  She discovered a bag of cough drops beside the couch.  She calmly brought them to me. With a look of complete devastation she said in the quietest voice she had ever used, "Mommy, I found these.  I think A1 is using the cough drops again." She showed visible relief when I explained that daddy had a bad cough and he left them out.

I am impressed that I managed to convince A2 that cough drops are drugs even if they taste like candy. As a bonus she now thinksA1 has a problem and is addicted to cough drops and was willing to turn her in.  She was basically laughing in my face the day of the initial intervention.  SOMETHING SUNK IN!    I win!

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