Sunday, July 28, 2013

Six Flags

On Friday we took the girls on our day-vaction to Six Flags.  A1 earned a free ticket for completing 600 minutes of reading so we knew we needed to cash in that free $300 ticket. There were so many things I could choose to complain about on that trip, especially if I started comparing it to the most magical pace on earth.  The fact that it rained the first 2.5 hours we were there was slightly miserable or the fact that we dined on 3 entrees of sub par dorm like cafeteria food that cost us $60 are just two of the grumble worthy occurrences from our adventure. 
Instead of being a Negative Nelly, I need to focus on the good of the trip because there were just as many good things that we experienced, like the amazing Funnel Cake Hot Fudge Sundae that the five of us happily shared.  Even with the heavenly goodness we devoured, I was most impressed by the the girls' behavior.  A1 and A2 know how to get along when it really matters.  The entire time we were at the park they were full of smiles and kind words for each other. I even saw them holding hands a few times as we tromped around in soggy shoes.  They compromised and worked together.  A1 even helped A2 on and off of rides without being told.  Other parents stopped us to compliment us on the girls' behavior.  They were completely amazing. 

A1 didn't want to ride the little train but she knew A2 wanted to ride it so without complaining she rode it 11 times.  Thanks to the rain we ran into very few lines.

I was bursting with pride when the girls rode Taz's Twisters.  This seemed to be the ride that inspired the most family feuding.  During the three times the girls rode it, I witnessed numerous sibling fights.  I saw brothers arguing with brothers to the point they would scream and then punch.  Sisters fighting with sisters, yelling, sticking out tongues, and pouting.  One brother and sister pair antagonized each other so much the mom had to lean over the fence to yell at her children.  I saw several younger siblings get their feelings hurt as the older sibling insisted on riding independently.  The little ones had to ride alone, crying in the little twisting buckets all by themselves.

Not my girls though.  They were working together to get their tornado spinning.  I could hear their laughter over the the music and sirens.  Never once did either girl say something hurtful to the other.  They never hit or kicked. A3 was even a trooper even though she wasn't big enough to do anything.  She was happy just to be in her stroller or sling.  The highlight of her day was probably eating.

It was beautiful.  I was living in a dream! It was totally worth the $300 we spent on A1's free ticket.  We plan on going again next summer when A1 gets her free ticket again.

I woke from my dream by the time we left the parking lot and the girls started arguing about who got what blanket... It was still totally worth the trip though. 

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