Monday, July 1, 2013


I am not sure if we have ant problems or kid problems, but I am sure my kid has problems.

On Sunday evening A2 discovered a colony of ants devouring a legless zebra animal cracker carelessly discarded by A3 at some point in the day.  A2 was enthralled by her discovery.  She squatted down to investigate more closely.  She studied them for several minutes.

Then she got an idea...

I quickly went to the kitchen upon hearing banging only to find A2 smashing ants with a rubber hammer.  She looked up at me and smiled as she said, "This is the best day ever since I get to kill stuff." I was instantly disturbed when I realized how much she was enjoying the mass murder.  I was raising a psychopath!  What do I do now?  I was at a loss, so I sat back and observed...

The large scale annihilation lasted a few more rounds before she seemed bored.  She then got a new cracker and placed it on the floor and watched as the survivors ran to the new food trap.  She waited until the cracker was covered with her next victims and she deviously cackled.  Then in a creepy high pitched voice she said, "Hello ants.  Mommy's home." and the ant battering continued.

A large small part of me wanted to stop her because that would be the right thing to do.  Another part of me was curious as to what she would do next. And still another part of me was glad she was taking care of the ants so I wouldn't have to.

I planned on calling some of my therapist friends to make an appointment so they can fix whatever I had done wrong to make her enjoy death so much however this morning she made me change my mind.  I asked A2 if she would want to vacuum the newest trail of ants searching for food.  She looked at me as if I was crazy and said, "No, that would kill them."

Phew... maybe she is normal after all.

OR is this a sign of multiple personalities?

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